Hello I am the movie encyclopedia and if no one else will see it, I will.
Well it's another week and another episode of The Demented Encyclopedia. This time we were joined by our second guest host Jason Soto from Invasion of the B Movies. We brought in this colorfully hilarious character not only because he's fun to talk to and one half of the Lair of the Unwanted Podcast team but also because he has a very unique taste in films. Because of that and because we enjoy lists we decided to do our top 5 movies that people seem to love but we hate. Using colorful terms for how we were gonna get maimed for our choices, we went through our lists and briefly discussed each of our choices.
From there we moved onto a short D-Bag segment (people need to comment on our facebook page...you get mentioned!) and then a lightning round of Reality Round Up which was accentuated by a story from Jason on how people supposedly think he looks like Andrew Garcia from American Idol.
After that we got into our recommend a's in which Jason plugged a book on bad movies, I plugged Splinter Cell: Conviction and Blaze Bayley and Nick plugged Gamers Dorkness Rising (which was interesting because I know one of the camera operators).
After that we got into our crazed version of our mono-dia-logue's of the week in which I did There Will Be Blood (guess which scene), Nick did The Huey Lewis scene from American Psycho and Jason did a B-Movie horror film.
You mentioned Blaze! Way to go!