Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Demented Encyclopedia Final Episode-I just BUTCHERED SPANISH!!

Hello I am the movie encyclopedia and if no one else will see it, I will.

It's been a fun 20 or so weeks but even the best things have to come to an end eventually. That's right, The Demented Encyclopedia, which started as a project between two bloggers to get their voices heard on different topics (and American Idol), evolved into a LAMMY nominated podcast with some unforgettable moments, mostly due to our most listened to segment "The Mono-Dialogue of the Week." But due to work schedules, school, PAX, and just not having enough hours in the day, The Demented Encyclopedia is coming to an end.

Yeah it's a tragedy I know, but like I've said numerous times, it's not the end of Nick and Travis forever. Nick has been a great friend and podcast partner and I have a feeling that a reunion will happen someday.

But this episode was one that goes out with a bang. For almost an hour and a half we talk about our top 5 (and more) best cliffhangers of all time. Movies, TV, it doesn't matter. We spoil a shit-ton of movies and TV shows (just go to Nick's write up to get a list), have some great laughs, recommend some great things and have two amazing Mono-Dialogues. Even our ending is epic but you'll have to listen to find out.

It's been quite a run and hopefully you enjoy our last hurrah.

Thank you.


  1. I have to wait to download my podcasts on Sunday so I have to hold back but, with regard to the Twin Peaks spoiler - is it for the entire series or just within the first, say, 20 episodes, because as I am mid-watch, it is difficult to know whether it will affect me...

    Reg. Saw 3 VS Saw 6, before listening I must admit that with regard to Saw 3 - as soon as it ended I felt really happy about it, but EVERYONE who was with me disagreed and argued their case inevitably affecting my judgement ("maybe it wasn't as good as I thought..." etc) so I will be interested to here the pro-Saw 3 argument. Saw 6 though was a great film - and I look forward to Saw 7!

    I always enjoyed the podcast and I do hope for the reunion! I'll never forget our back-and-forth about Shutter Island and, as I have just watched Airbender, I have a certain mention to Travis to make (as long as I don't forget!) when we record the review on our show!

  2. I was listened and the fact that Cooper fell in love with Annie ... I'm not there yet. Said episode was paused...
